What are two things most people cant stand talking about or are afraid to know more about?
.....Finances ... and ..... Insurance
For the past 2.5 years these are have been two burning passions of mine. Working in the insurance industry for the past 6+ years, being around financial professionals and having a major personal setback financially, I found great motivation in learning as much as I could to hopefully benefit others one day.
What came next was unexpected. . .
As much as I read and as many podcasts as I listened to, the answers I was looking for couldn't be completely found. Bits and pieces here and there, but no great place or person to help with what I needed or was looking for.
The vision of Mitigation Minute
Creating this blog and providing a platform focused on both insurance education/products and financial coaching services aims to not only give tools to use in your daily life, but confidence to take charge of and put balance into your life.
How the Mitigation Minute platform will help you
This platform gives you the freedom to:
* Take advantage of FREE resources
* Help you create a vision for your life
* Implement new strategies get rid of unwanted debt and liabilities
* Get on your fast track to success
A challenge for you. . .
What one thing could you do right now to better your situation? Challenge yourself to do something right now, that you're afraid of.
Grow, create clarity, use people and tools in life to become better, AND take action by creating balance for your life.
How can the Mitigation Minute platform help you right now? What is stopping you from
having a complementary call to discuss that thing you're uncomfortable with?
Matt Moylan